
1935 Asahi Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd. is established.
Predecessor of the fertilizer business
1936 Japan Nickel Co., Ltd. is established.
Predecessor of the steel business
1960 Asahi Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd. takes over the steel division of Japan
Nickel Co., Ltd. and the company name is changed to Seibu Chemical
Industries Co., Ltd.
Gives rise to an integrated business model: “steel and fertilizer”.
1970 Enters into the Seibu distribution Group. (later, Saison Group)
1985 Merges with two food processing companies (Asahi Food and Marujo) and changes its name to Asahi Industries Co., Ltd.
1991 Split into two companies, Asahi Industries Co., Ltd. that takes over steel business agribusiness and Asahi Food Processing Co., Ltd. that takes over food processing business.
Under the new management structure, starts as a company that has two pillars, steel business and agribusiness, being well aware of the global environment.
1995 Johnson Asahi Pty.Ltd. is established as a joint venture.(Victoria, Australia)
2003 Leaves the Saison Group.
2005 Listed on the JASDAQ Securities Exchange.
2019 Enters the Godo Steel Group following a tender offer by Godo Steel, Ltd., and delisted from JASDAQ.
Kanto D-Bar Steel Corporation is established.
Forms an alliance with Godo Steel, Ltd. to strengthen management base and expand steel business
2020 Agribusiness is spun off from the company. Asahi Agria Co., Ltd., which continues the agribusiness, is established.
Starts with the aim of becoming a leader in Agriculture